




Employment Strategy

I feel my Showreel and CV demonstrate my ability to perform well as a motion designer. The industry is a very competitive space currently and it could potentially hard to stand out. Designing my CV in such a way should allow possibly employers see my creative personality through the document. The photo on the CV is currently a place holder and will be changed with a head shot of myself.

I have tried to get ahead of the university student curve by applying for jobs since February

However I am not sure whether going straight into employment is the right choice for me. I am currently looking into studying a Masters Degree in 3D Animation at Bournemouth University. I feel having a MA degree will give me not only a higher understanding on a subject I love but also a competitive edge on the employment market. In my opinion Bachelor degrees have been diluted as almost everyone has one and they are not hard to achieve. Although its worth noting that for any creative subject the most import aspect is your ability to perform i,e a strong showreel / portfolio however with my love for education and wanting the best for my future carreer I think a MA degree will be a hard but wise decision.

I also have a few good connections with Sony Computer Entertainment London and Liverpool because of a informal work placement I did there whilst studying at college. I hope to get back in touch with Tara Saunders, to catch up and potentially show her my showreel.

Showreel Research



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